2.5.1 - Fixes JavaScript and the Back button on the stats page when on HTTPS. 2.5.0 - **Big news!** Now you can configure Lessn More to generate random slugs of a desired length instead of incremental, guessable slugs. This means you will generate URLs like `/8RTvaN`, `/Nvb3QP` instead of `/a`, `/b`, `/c`, if desired. - The link in LM's header now points to your main admin page, and the update check info in the footer will always link to the LM project home page. 2.4.1 - Stopped checking for new versions of Lessn More whiled logged out, because it will always fail then. 2.4.0 - Users logging in over HTTPS will be authenticated with a cookie that will not leak out over HTTPS - Cookies are now set with HTTP_ONLY, which means rogue JavaScript cannot steal your authentication cookie - There is now a LOG OUT button - Lessn More now checks for an updated version of itself whenever you use the web interface. (You still have to manually upgrade!) 2.3.0 - Lessn More will now return `http:` or `https:` short URLs to match the current protocol your server is responding to, by default. You can manually specify your preferred protocol in `config.php`. - Lessn More lets you shrink non-Web URIs now, too, such as `ftp:` or `magnet:`. 2.2.0 - Better stats page. - More compatible with sqlite (see [#7][]). - Other small fixes and improvements. - Supports a custom timezone in `config.php`. - Special thanks to [Matt Wiebe](https://github.com/mattwiebe) for a lot of these changes. 2.1.1 - Merged changes from jfro’s fork. - Changed insert queries to support Postgres - Avoid php short tags which aren't always enabled 2.1.0 - Fixed issue [#4](https://github.com/alanhogan/lessnmore/issues#issue/4) regarding the bookmarklets and clicking ‘Cancel’ in the prompt. - Fixed issue [#6](https://github.com/alanhogan/lessnmore/issues#issue/6) regarding 404s (thanks to repearhulk for the patch). - Trims punctuation from the right of the slug, per [best practices](https://alanhogan.com/tips/rel-shortlink-for-short-urls) 2.0.3 - Improved security - Corrected the stats table 2.0.2 - Optimize a couple queries - Fix for finding banned words and glyphs anywhere but the end of the slug 2.0.1 - Case sensitivity in MySQL 2.0 (Lessn More fork) - Protected against SQL injection attacks - Support for aliases - set the 'url' field in a database row to be the token you want to want to alias to, and the 'redir_type' to 'alias' - Support for the 410 GONE response for deleted redirections - set 'redir_type' to 'gone' in the DB row - Avoids collisions between automatically assigned shortcuts and manual ones - Allows mixed-case shortcuts - Expanded README - Added migration script for butteredurls users - Custom slugs in bookmarklets - Prettied up installation - Allowed overwriting existing slugs (with a warning that this is bad for the Internet) 1.1.1 - Fix for #1 - Support for api and redirect URL arguments thanks to Lessn 1.0.5 - Added new configuration option HOMEPAGE_URL for redirecting somewhere if no short url is given 1.1 (butteredurls fork) - modified query calls to use PDO to allow PostgreSQL/SQLite support - created an install.php to handle execution of installation queries - created statistics table to record IP/referer/timestamp - added column to urls table for doing custom urls like /flickr - added simple statistics (hits) page in admin area 1.0.2 - updated existing url query to also compare the url in the event of multiple matching checksums - changed UNIQUE checksum index to non-unique INDEX to allow for legitimate collisions - added note about .htaccess to README.txt - added "Updating from 1.0.1" to README.txt - added CHANGES.txt 1.0.1 - fixed YEAR definition (was 356 days instead of 365) - fixed typos in README.txt 1.0 - initial release