[ /var/www/yii/framework/zii/widgets/CDetailView.php ] CDetailView: * * @property CFormatter $formatter The formatter instance. Defaults to the 'format' application component. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/zii/widgets/grid/CGridView.php ] CGridView: * * @property boolean $hasFooter Whether the table should render a footer. * This is true if any of the {@link columns} has a true {@link CGridColumn::hasFooter} value. * @property CFormatter $formatter The formatter instance. Defaults to the 'format' application component. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/zii/widgets/grid/CDataColumn.php ] CDataColumn: * * @property string $filterCellContent The filter cell content. * @property string $headerCellContent The header cell content. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/zii/widgets/grid/CGridColumn.php ] CGridColumn: * * @property boolean $hasFooter Whether this column has a footer cell. * This is determined based on whether {@link footer} is set. * @property string $headerCellContent The header cell content. * @property string $footerCellContent The footer cell content. * @property string $filterCellContent The filter cell content. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/zii/widgets/grid/CCheckBoxColumn.php ] CCheckBoxColumn: * * @property string $headerCellContent The header cell content. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/test/CWebTestCase.php ] CWebTestCase: * * @property CDbFixtureManager $fixtureManager The database fixture manager. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/test/CDbFixtureManager.php ] CDbFixtureManager: * * @property CDbConnection $dbConnection The database connection. * @property array $fixtures The information of the available fixtures (table name => fixture file). * [ /var/www/yii/framework/test/CDbTestCase.php ] CDbTestCase: * * @property CDbFixtureManager $fixtureManager The database fixture manager. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/base/CModule.php ] CModule: * * @property string $id The module ID. * @property string $basePath The root directory of the module. Defaults to the directory containing the module class. * @property CAttributeCollection $params The list of user-defined parameters. * @property string $modulePath The directory that contains the application modules. Defaults to the 'modules' subdirectory of {@link basePath}. * @property CModule $parentModule The parent module. Null if this module does not have a parent. * @property array $modules The configuration of the currently installed modules (module ID => configuration). * @property array $components The application components (indexed by their IDs). * @property array $import List of aliases to be imported. * @property array $aliases List of aliases to be defined. The array keys are root aliases, * while the array values are paths or aliases corresponding to the root aliases. * For example, *
 * array(
 *    'models'=>'application.models',              // an existing alias
 *    'extensions'=>'application.extensions',      // an existing alias
 *    'backend'=>dirname(__FILE__).'/../backend',  // a directory
 * )
. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/base/CErrorHandler.php ] CErrorHandler: * * @property array $error The error details. Null if there is no error. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/base/CBehavior.php ] CBehavior: * * @property CComponent $owner The owner component that this behavior is attached to. * @property boolean $enabled Whether this behavior is enabled. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/base/CModel.php ] CModel: * * @property CList $validatorList All the validators declared in the model. * @property array $validators The validators applicable to the current {@link scenario}. * @property array $errors Errors for all attributes or the specified attribute. Empty array is returned if no error. * @property array $attributes Attribute values (name=>value). * @property string $scenario The scenario that this model is in. * @property array $safeAttributeNames Safe attribute names. * @property CMapIterator $iterator An iterator for traversing the items in the list. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/base/CApplicationComponent.php ] CApplicationComponent: * * @property boolean $isInitialized Whether this application component has been initialized (ie, {@link init()} is invoked). * [ /var/www/yii/framework/base/CApplication.php ] CApplication: * * @property string $id The unique identifier for the application. * @property string $basePath The root directory of the application. Defaults to 'protected'. * @property string $runtimePath The directory that stores runtime files. Defaults to 'protected/runtime'. * @property string $extensionPath The directory that contains all extensions. Defaults to the 'extensions' directory under 'protected'. * @property string $language The language that the user is using and the application should be targeted to. * Defaults to the {@link sourceLanguage source language}. * @property string $timeZone The time zone used by this application. * @property an $locale Instance of CLocale. * @property string $localeDataPath The directory that contains the locale data. It defaults to 'framework/i18n/data'. * @property CNumberFormatter $numberFormatter The locale-dependent number formatter. * The current {@link getLocale application locale} will be used. * @property CDateFormatter $dateFormatter The locale-dependent date formatter. * The current {@link getLocale application locale} will be used. * @property CDbConnection $db The database connection. * @property CErrorHandler $errorHandler The error handler application component. * @property CSecurityManager $securityManager The security manager application component. * @property CStatePersister $statePersister The state persister application component. * @property CCache $cache The cache application component. Null if the component is not enabled. * @property CPhpMessageSource $coreMessages The core message translations. * @property CMessageSource $messages The application message translations. * @property CHttpRequest $request The request component. * @property CUrlManager $urlManager The URL manager component. * @property CController $controller The currently active controller. Null is returned in this base class. * @property string $baseUrl The relative URL for the application. * @property string $homeUrl The homepage URL. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/base/CSecurityManager.php ] CSecurityManager: * * @property string $validationKey The private key used to generate HMAC. * If the key is not explicitly set, a random one is generated and returned. * @property string $encryptionKey The private key used to encrypt/decrypt data. * If the key is not explicitly set, a random one is generated and returned. * @property string $validation -. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/db/schema/CDbSchema.php ] CDbSchema: * * @property CDbConnection $dbConnection Database connection. The connection is active. * @property array $tables The metadata for all tables in the database. * Each array element is an instance of {@link CDbTableSchema} (or its child class). * The array keys are table names. * @property array $tableNames All table names in the database. * @property CDbCommandBuilder $commandBuilder The SQL command builder for this connection. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/db/schema/CDbCommandBuilder.php ] CDbCommandBuilder: * * @property CDbConnection $dbConnection Database connection. * @property CDbSchema $schema The schema for this command builder. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/db/schema/CDbTableSchema.php ] CDbTableSchema: * * @property array $columnNames List of column names. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/db/schema/oci/COciSchema.php ] COciSchema: * * @property string $defaultSchema Default schema. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/db/CDbMigration.php ] CDbMigration: * * @property CDbConnection $dbConnection The currently active database connection. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/db/CDbConnection.php ] CDbConnection: * * @property boolean $active Whether the DB connection is established. * @property PDO $pdoInstance The PDO instance, null if the connection is not established yet. * @property CDbTransaction $currentTransaction The currently active transaction. Null if no active transaction. * @property CDbSchema $schema The database schema for the current connection. * @property CDbCommandBuilder $commandBuilder The command builder. * @property string $lastInsertID The row ID of the last row inserted, or the last value retrieved from the sequence object. * @property mixed $columnCase The case of the column names. * @property mixed $nullConversion How the null and empty strings are converted. * @property boolean $autoCommit Whether creating or updating a DB record will be automatically committed. * @property boolean $persistent Whether the connection is persistent or not. * @property string $driverName Name of the DB driver. * @property string $clientVersion The version information of the DB driver. * @property string $connectionStatus The status of the connection. * @property boolean $prefetch Whether the connection performs data prefetching. * @property string $serverInfo The information of DBMS server. * @property string $serverVersion The version information of DBMS server. * @property integer $timeout Timeout settings for the connection. * @property array $attributes Attributes (name=>value) that are previously explicitly set for the DB connection. * @property array $stats The first element indicates the number of SQL statements executed, * and the second element the total time spent in SQL execution. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/db/ar/CActiveRecord.php ] CActiveRecord: * * @property CDbCriteria $dbCriteria The query criteria that is associated with this model. * This criteria is mainly used by {@link scopes named scope} feature to accumulate * different criteria specifications. * @property CActiveRecordMetaData $metaData The meta for this AR class. * @property CDbConnection $dbConnection The database connection used by active record. * @property CDbTableSchema $tableSchema The metadata of the table that this AR belongs to. * @property CDbCommandBuilder $commandBuilder The command builder used by this AR. * @property array $attributes Attribute values indexed by attribute names. * @property boolean $isNewRecord Whether the record is new and should be inserted when calling {@link save}. * This property is automatically set in constructor and {@link populateRecord}. * Defaults to false, but it will be set to true if the instance is created using * the new operator. * @property mixed $primaryKey The primary key value. An array (column name=>column value) is returned if the primary key is composite. * If primary key is not defined, null will be returned. * @property mixed $oldPrimaryKey The old primary key value. An array (column name=>column value) is returned if the primary key is composite. * If primary key is not defined, null will be returned. * @property string $tableAlias The default table alias. * CManyManyRelation: * * @property string $junctionTableName Junction table name. * @property array $junctionForeignKeys List of junction table foreign keys. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/db/CDbDataReader.php ] CDbDataReader: * * @property boolean $isClosed Whether the reader is closed or not. * @property integer $rowCount Number of rows contained in the result. * @property integer $columnCount The number of columns in the result set. * @property mixed $fetchMode Fetch mode. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/db/CDbTransaction.php ] CDbTransaction: * * @property CDbConnection $connection The DB connection for this transaction. * @property boolean $active Whether this transaction is active. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/db/CDbCommand.php ] CDbCommand: * * @property string $text The SQL statement to be executed. * @property CDbConnection $connection The connection associated with this command. * @property PDOStatement $pdoStatement The underlying PDOStatement for this command * It could be null if the statement is not prepared yet. * @property string $select The SELECT part (without 'SELECT') in the query. * @property boolean $distinct A value indicating whether SELECT DISTINCT should be used. * @property string $from The FROM part (without 'FROM' ) in the query. * @property string $where The WHERE part (without 'WHERE' ) in the query. * @property mixed $join The join part in the query. This can be an array representing * multiple join fragments, or a string representing a single join fragment. * Each join fragment will contain the proper join operator (e.g. LEFT JOIN). * @property string $group The GROUP BY part (without 'GROUP BY' ) in the query. * @property string $having The HAVING part (without 'HAVING' ) in the query. * @property string $order The ORDER BY part (without 'ORDER BY' ) in the query. * @property string $limit The LIMIT part (without 'LIMIT' ) in the query. * @property string $offset The OFFSET part (without 'OFFSET' ) in the query. * @property mixed $union The UNION part (without 'UNION' ) in the query. * This can be either a string or an array representing multiple union parts. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/caching/CMemCache.php ] CMemCache: * * @property array $servers List of memcache server configurations. Each element is a {@link CMemCacheServerConfiguration}. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/caching/CFileCache.php ] CFileCache: * * @property integer $gCProbability The probability (parts per million) that garbage collection (GC) should be performed * when storing a piece of data in the cache. Defaults to 100, meaning 0.01% chance. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/caching/dependencies/CChainedCacheDependency.php ] CChainedCacheDependency: * * @property CTypedList $dependencies List of dependency objects. * @property boolean $hasChanged Whether the dependency is changed or not. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/caching/dependencies/CCacheDependency.php ] CCacheDependency: * * @property boolean $hasChanged Whether the dependency has changed. * @property mixed $dependentData The data used to determine if dependency has been changed. * This data is available after {@link evaluateDependency} is called. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/caching/CDbCache.php ] CDbCache: * * @property integer $gCProbability The probability (parts per million) that garbage collection (GC) should be performed * when storing a piece of data in the cache. Defaults to 100, meaning 0.01% chance. * @property CDbConnection $dbConnection The DB connection instance. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/gii/CCodeModel.php ] CCodeModel: * * @property array $templates A list of available code templates (name=>directory). * @property string $templatePath The directory that contains the template files. * @property string $stickyFile The file path that stores the sticky attribute values. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/gii/CCodeGenerator.php ] CCodeGenerator: * * @property string $pageTitle The page title. * @property string $viewPath The view path of the generator. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/gii/CCodeFile.php ] CCodeFile: * * @property string $relativePath The code file path relative to the application base path. * @property string $type The code file extension (e.g. php, txt). * [ /var/www/yii/framework/gii/GiiModule.php ] GiiModule: * * @property string $assetsUrl The base URL that contains all published asset files of gii. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/utils/CFormatter.php ] CFormatter: * * @property CHtmlPurifier $htmlPurifier The HTML purifier instance. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/utils/CLocalizedFormatter.php ] CLocalizedFormatter: * * @property CLocale $locale $locale the locale currently used for formatting values. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/utils/CMarkdownParser.php ] CMarkdownParser: * * @property string $defaultCssFile The default CSS file that is used to highlight code blocks. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/cli/commands/shell/HelpCommand.php ] HelpCommand: * * @property string $help The command description. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/cli/commands/ShellCommand.php ] ShellCommand: * * @property string $help The help information for the shell command. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/CDataProviderIterator.php ] CDataProviderIterator: * * @property CDataProvider $dataProvider The data provider to iterate over. * @property integer $totalItemCount The total number of items to iterate over. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/CWebModule.php ] CWebModule: * * @property string $name The name of this module. * @property string $description The description of this module. * @property string $version The version of this module. * @property string $controllerPath The directory that contains the controller classes. Defaults to 'moduleDir/controllers' where * moduleDir is the directory containing the module class. * @property string $viewPath The root directory of view files. Defaults to 'moduleDir/views' where * moduleDir is the directory containing the module class. * @property string $layoutPath The root directory of layout files. Defaults to 'moduleDir/views/layouts' where * moduleDir is the directory containing the module class. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/CDataProvider.php ] CDataProvider: * * @property string $id The unique ID that uniquely identifies the data provider among all data providers. * @property array $data The list of data items currently available in this data provider. * @property array $keys The list of key values corresponding to {@link data}. Each data item in {@link data} * is uniquely identified by the corresponding key value in this array. * @property integer $itemCount The number of data items in the current page. * @property integer $totalItemCount Total number of possible data items. * @property mixed $pagination The pagination to be used by this data provider. This could be a {@link CPagination} object * or an array used to configure the pagination object. If this is false, it means the pagination should be disabled. * * You can configure this property same way as a component: *
 * array(
 *     'class' => 'MyPagination',
 *     'pageSize' => 20,
 * ),
. * @property mixed $sort The sorting to be used by this data provider. This could be a {@link CSort} object * or an array used to configure the sorting object. If this is false, it means the sorting should be disabled. * * You can configure this property same way as a component: *
 * array(
 *     'class' => 'MySort',
 *     'attributes' => array('name', 'weight'),
 * ),
. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/CHttpSession.php ] CHttpSession: * * @property boolean $useCustomStorage Whether to use custom storage. * @property boolean $isStarted Whether the session has started. * @property string $sessionID The current session ID. * @property string $sessionName The current session name. * @property string $savePath The current session save path, defaults to {@link http://php.net/session.save_path}. * @property array $cookieParams The session cookie parameters. * @property string $cookieMode How to use cookie to store session ID. Defaults to 'Allow'. * @property float $gCProbability The probability (percentage) that the gc (garbage collection) process is started on every session initialization, defaults to 1 meaning 1% chance. * @property boolean $useTransparentSessionID Whether transparent sid support is enabled or not, defaults to false. * @property integer $timeout The number of seconds after which data will be seen as 'garbage' and cleaned up, defaults to 1440 seconds. * @property CHttpSessionIterator $iterator An iterator for traversing the session variables. * @property integer $count The number of session variables. * @property array $keys The list of session variable names. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/CDbHttpSession.php ] CDbHttpSession: * * @property boolean $useCustomStorage Whether to use custom storage. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/form/CFormElement.php ] CFormElement: * * @property boolean $visible Whether this element is visible and should be rendered. * @property mixed $parent The direct parent of this element. This could be either a {@link CForm} object or a {@link CBaseController} object * (a controller or a widget). * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/form/CFormInputElement.php ] CFormInputElement: * * @property boolean $required Whether this input is required. * @property string $label The label for this input. If the label is not manually set, * this method will call {@link CModel::getAttributeLabel} to determine the label. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/form/CForm.php ] CForm: * * @property CForm $root The top-level form object. * @property CActiveForm $activeFormWidget The active form widget associated with this form. * This method will return the active form widget as specified by {@link activeForm}. * @property CBaseController $owner The owner of this form. This refers to either a controller or a widget * by which the form is created and rendered. * @property CModel $model The model associated with this form. If this form does not have a model, * it will look for a model in its ancestors. * @property array $models The models that are associated with this form or its sub-forms. * @property CFormElementCollection $elements The form elements. * @property CFormElementCollection $buttons The form elements. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/form/CFormButtonElement.php ] CFormButtonElement: * * @property string $on Scenario names separated by commas. Defaults to null. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/form/CFormStringElement.php ] CFormStringElement: * * @property string $on Scenario names separated by commas. Defaults to null. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/CExtController.php ] CExtController: * * @property string $viewPath The directory containing the view files for this controller. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/CUploadedFile.php ] CUploadedFile: * * @property string $name The original name of the file being uploaded. * @property string $tempName The path of the uploaded file on the server. * Note, this is a temporary file which will be automatically deleted by PHP * after the current request is processed. * @property string $type The MIME-type of the uploaded file (such as "image/gif"). * Since this MIME type is not checked on the server side, do not take this value for granted. * Instead, use {@link CFileHelper::getMimeType} to determine the exact MIME type. * @property integer $size The actual size of the uploaded file in bytes. * @property integer $error The error code. * @property boolean $hasError Whether there is an error with the uploaded file. * Check {@link error} for detailed error code information. * @property string $extensionName The file extension name for {@link name}. * The extension name does not include the dot character. An empty string * is returned if {@link name} does not have an extension name. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/CSort.php ] CSort: * * @property string $orderBy The order-by columns represented by this sort object. * This can be put in the ORDER BY clause of a SQL statement. * @property array $directions Sort directions indexed by attribute names. * Sort direction can be either CSort::SORT_ASC for ascending order or * CSort::SORT_DESC for descending order. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/CPagination.php ] CPagination: * * @property integer $pageSize Number of items in each page. Defaults to 10. * @property integer $itemCount Total number of items. Defaults to 0. * @property integer $pageCount Number of pages. * @property integer $currentPage The zero-based index of the current page. Defaults to 0. * @property integer $offset The offset of the data. This may be used to set the * OFFSET value for a SQL statement for fetching the current page of data. * @property integer $limit The limit of the data. This may be used to set the * LIMIT value for a SQL statement for fetching the current page of data. * This returns the same value as {@link pageSize}. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/CCacheHttpSession.php ] CCacheHttpSession: * * @property boolean $useCustomStorage Whether to use custom storage. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/CActiveDataProvider.php ] CActiveDataProvider: * * @property CDbCriteria $criteria The query criteria. * @property CDbCriteria $countCriteria The count query criteria. * @property CSort $sort The sorting object. If this is false, it means the sorting is disabled. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/CHttpRequest.php ] CHttpRequest: * * @property array $restParams The request parameters. * @property string $rawBody The request body. * @property string $url Part of the request URL after the host info. * @property string $hostInfo Schema and hostname part (with port number if needed) of the request URL (e.g. http://www.yiiframework.com). * @property string $baseUrl The relative URL for the application. * @property string $scriptUrl The relative URL of the entry script. * @property string $pathInfo Part of the request URL that is after the entry script and before the question mark. * Note, the returned pathinfo is decoded starting from 1.1.4. * Prior to 1.1.4, whether it is decoded or not depends on the server configuration * (in most cases it is not decoded). * @property string $requestUri The request URI portion for the currently requested URL. * @property string $queryString Part of the request URL that is after the question mark. * @property boolean $isSecureConnection If the request is sent via secure channel (https). * @property string $requestType Request type, such as GET, POST, HEAD, PUT, PATCH, DELETE. * @property boolean $isPostRequest Whether this is a POST request. * @property boolean $isDeleteRequest Whether this is a DELETE request. * @property boolean $isPutRequest Whether this is a PUT request. * @property boolean $isPatchRequest Whether this is a PATCH request. * @property boolean $isAjaxRequest Whether this is an AJAX (XMLHttpRequest) request. * @property boolean $isFlashRequest Whether this is an Adobe Flash or Adobe Flex request. * @property string $serverName Server name. * @property integer $serverPort Server port number. * @property string $urlReferrer URL referrer, null if not present. * @property string $userAgent User agent, null if not present. * @property string $userHostAddress User IP address. * @property string $userHost User host name, null if cannot be determined. * @property string $scriptFile Entry script file path (processed w/ realpath()). * @property array $browser User browser capabilities. * @property string $acceptTypes User browser accept types, null if not present. * @property integer $port Port number for insecure requests. * @property integer $securePort Port number for secure requests. * @property CCookieCollection $cookies The cookie collection. * @property array $preferredAcceptTypes The user accepted MIME types, as array maps, in the order of preference. * @property array $preferredAcceptType The user preferred accept MIME type or false if the user does not have any. * @property array $preferredLanguages The user accepted languages in the order of preference. * See {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-14.4}. * @property string $preferredLanguage The language that the application should use. false is returned if both [[getPreferredLanguages()]] * and `$languages` are empty. * @property string $csrfToken The random token for CSRF validation. * CCookieCollection: * * @property CHttpRequest $request The request instance. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/CThemeManager.php ] CThemeManager: * * @property array $themeNames List of available theme names. * @property string $basePath The base path for all themes. Defaults to "WebRootPath/themes". * @property string $baseUrl The base URL for all themes. Defaults to "/WebRoot/themes". * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/CWebApplication.php ] CWebApplication: * * @property IAuthManager $authManager The authorization manager component. * @property CAssetManager $assetManager The asset manager component. * @property CHttpSession $session The session component. * @property CWebUser $user The user session information. * @property IViewRenderer $viewRenderer The view renderer. * @property CClientScript $clientScript The client script manager. * @property IWidgetFactory $widgetFactory The widget factory. * @property CThemeManager $themeManager The theme manager. * @property CTheme $theme The theme used currently. Null if no theme is being used. * @property CController $controller The currently active controller. * @property string $controllerPath The directory that contains the controller classes. Defaults to 'protected/controllers'. * @property string $viewPath The root directory of view files. Defaults to 'protected/views'. * @property string $systemViewPath The root directory of system view files. Defaults to 'protected/views/system'. * @property string $layoutPath The root directory of layout files. Defaults to 'protected/views/layouts'. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/services/CWebService.php ] CWebService: * * @property string $methodName The currently requested method name. Empty if no method is being requested. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/services/CWebServiceAction.php ] CWebServiceAction: * * @property CWebService $service The Web service instance. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/CAssetManager.php ] CAssetManager: * * @property string $basePath The root directory storing the published asset files. Defaults to 'WebRoot/assets'. * @property string $baseUrl The base url that the published asset files can be accessed. * Note, the ending slashes are stripped off. Defaults to '/AppBaseUrl/assets'. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/CTheme.php ] CTheme: * * @property string $name Theme name. * @property string $baseUrl The relative URL to the theme folder (without ending slash). * @property string $basePath The file path to the theme folder. * @property string $viewPath The path for controller views. Defaults to 'ThemeRoot/views'. * @property string $systemViewPath The path for system views. Defaults to 'ThemeRoot/views/system'. * @property string $skinPath The path for widget skins. Defaults to 'ThemeRoot/views/skins'. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/CClientScript.php ] CClientScript: * * @property string $coreScriptUrl The base URL of all core javascript files. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/CController.php ] CController: * * @property array $actionParams The request parameters to be used for action parameter binding. * @property CAction $action The action currently being executed, null if no active action. * @property string $id ID of the controller. * @property string $uniqueId The controller ID that is prefixed with the module ID (if any). * @property string $route The route (module ID, controller ID and action ID) of the current request. * @property CWebModule $module The module that this controller belongs to. It returns null * if the controller does not belong to any module. * @property string $viewPath The directory containing the view files for this controller. Defaults to 'protected/views/ControllerID'. * @property CMap $clips The list of clips. * @property string $pageTitle The page title. Defaults to the controller name and the action name. * @property CStack $cachingStack Stack of {@link COutputCache} objects. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/auth/CAuthItem.php ] CAuthItem: * * @property IAuthManager $authManager The authorization manager. * @property integer $type The authorization item type. This could be 0 (operation), 1 (task) or 2 (role). * @property string $name The item name. * @property string $description The item description. * @property string $bizRule The business rule associated with this item. * @property mixed $data The additional data associated with this item. * @property array $children All child items of this item. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/auth/CDbAuthManager.php ] CDbAuthManager: * * @property array $authItems The authorization items of the specific type. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/auth/CPhpAuthManager.php ] CPhpAuthManager: * * @property array $authItems The authorization items of the specific type. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/auth/CAuthManager.php ] CAuthManager: * * @property array $roles Roles (name=>CAuthItem). * @property array $tasks Tasks (name=>CAuthItem). * @property array $operations Operations (name=>CAuthItem). * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/auth/CWebUser.php ] CWebUser: * * @property boolean $isGuest Whether the current application user is a guest. * @property mixed $id The unique identifier for the user. If null, it means the user is a guest. * @property string $name The user name. If the user is not logged in, this will be {@link guestName}. * @property string $returnUrl The URL that the user should be redirected to after login. * @property string $stateKeyPrefix A prefix for the name of the session variables storing user session data. * @property array $flashes Flash messages (key => message). * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/auth/CAccessControlFilter.php ] CAccessControlFilter: * * @property array $rules List of access rules. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/auth/CAuthAssignment.php ] CAuthAssignment: * * @property mixed $userId User ID (see {@link IWebUser::getId}). * @property string $itemName The authorization item name. * @property string $bizRule The business rule associated with this assignment. * @property mixed $data Additional data for this assignment. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/auth/CBaseUserIdentity.php ] CBaseUserIdentity: * * @property mixed $id A value that uniquely represents the identity (e.g. primary key value). * The default implementation simply returns {@link name}. * @property string $name The display name for the identity. * The default implementation simply returns empty string. * @property array $persistentStates The identity states that should be persisted. * @property boolean $isAuthenticated Whether the authentication is successful. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/auth/CUserIdentity.php ] CUserIdentity: * * @property string $id The unique identifier for the identity. * @property string $name The display name for the identity. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/actions/CViewAction.php ] CViewAction: * * @property string $requestedView The name of the view requested by the user. * This is in the format of 'path.to.view'. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/actions/CAction.php ] CAction: * * @property CController $controller The controller who owns this action. * @property string $id Id of this action. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/widgets/CMarkdown.php ] CMarkdown: * * @property CMarkdownParser $markdownParser The parser instance. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/widgets/CHtmlPurifier.php ] CHtmlPurifier: * * @property mixed $options The HTML Purifier instance options. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/widgets/pagers/CBasePager.php ] CBasePager: * * @property CPagination $pages The pagination information. * @property integer $pageSize Number of items in each page. * @property integer $itemCount Total number of items. * @property integer $pageCount Number of pages. * @property integer $currentPage The zero-based index of the current page. Defaults to 0. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/widgets/COutputCache.php ] COutputCache: * * @property boolean $isContentCached Whether the content can be found from cache. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/widgets/CFlexWidget.php ] CFlexWidget: * * @property string $flashVarsAsString The flash parameter string. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/widgets/CFilterWidget.php ] CFilterWidget: * * @property boolean $isFilter Whether this widget is used as a filter. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/widgets/captcha/CCaptchaAction.php ] CCaptchaAction: * * @property string $verifyCode The verification code. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/widgets/CWidget.php ] CWidget: * * @property CBaseController $owner Owner/creator of this widget. It could be either a widget or a controller. * @property string $id Id of the widget. * @property CController $controller The controller that this widget belongs to. * @property string $viewPath The directory containing the view files for this widget. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/web/CUrlManager.php ] CUrlManager: * * @property string $baseUrl The base URL of the application (the part after host name and before query string). * If {@link showScriptName} is true, it will include the script name part. * Otherwise, it will not, and the ending slashes are stripped off. * @property string $urlFormat The URL format. Defaults to 'path'. Valid values include 'path' and 'get'. * Please refer to the guide for more details about the difference between these two formats. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/logging/CFileLogRoute.php ] CFileLogRoute: * * @property string $logPath Directory storing log files. Defaults to application runtime path. * @property string $logFile Log file name. Defaults to 'application.log'. * @property integer $maxFileSize Maximum log file size in kilo-bytes (KB). Defaults to 1024 (1MB). * @property integer $maxLogFiles Number of files used for rotation. Defaults to 5. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/logging/CLogRouter.php ] CLogRouter: * * @property array $routes The currently initialized routes. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/logging/CProfileLogRoute.php ] CProfileLogRoute: * * @property string $report The type of the profiling report to display. Defaults to 'summary'. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/logging/CLogger.php ] CLogger: * * @property array $logs List of messages. Each array element represents one message * with the following structure: * array( * [0] => message (string) * [1] => level (string) * [2] => category (string) * [3] => timestamp (float, obtained by microtime(true));. * @property float $executionTime The total time for serving the current request. * @property integer $memoryUsage Memory usage of the application (in bytes). * @property array $profilingResults The profiling results. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/logging/CEmailLogRoute.php ] CEmailLogRoute: * * @property array $emails List of destination email addresses. * @property string $subject Email subject. Defaults to CEmailLogRoute::DEFAULT_SUBJECT. * @property string $sentFrom Send from address of the email. * @property array $headers Additional headers to use when sending an email. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/collections/CStack.php ] CStack: * * @property Iterator $iterator An iterator for traversing the items in the stack. * @property integer $count The number of items in the stack. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/collections/CMap.php ] CMap: * * @property boolean $readOnly Whether this map is read-only or not. Defaults to false. * @property CMapIterator $iterator An iterator for traversing the items in the list. * @property integer $count The number of items in the map. * @property array $keys The key list. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/collections/CQueue.php ] CQueue: * * @property Iterator $iterator An iterator for traversing the items in the queue. * @property integer $count The number of items in the queue. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/collections/CList.php ] CList: * * @property boolean $readOnly Whether this list is read-only or not. Defaults to false. * @property Iterator $iterator An iterator for traversing the items in the list. * @property integer $count The number of items in the list. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/vendors/htmlpurifier/HTMLPurifier.standalone.php ] HTMLPurifier_HTMLDefinition: * * @property HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule $anonymousModule * HTMLPurifier_StringHash: * * @property array $accessed In form array($index => true). * HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Bdo: * * @property HTMLPurifier_Config $up * HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Edit: * * @property HTMLPurifier_Config $up * HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Forms: * * @property HTMLPurifier_Config $up * HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Hypertext: * * @property HTMLPurifier_Config $up * HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Iframe: * * @property HTMLPurifier_Config $up * HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Image: * * @property HTMLPurifier_Config $up * HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Legacy: * * @property HTMLPurifier_Config $up * HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_List: * * @property HTMLPurifier_Config $up * HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Name: * * @property HTMLPurifier_Config $up * HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Nofollow: * * @property HTMLPurifier_Config $up * HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Object: * * @property HTMLPurifier_Config $up * HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Presentation: * * @property HTMLPurifier_Config $up * HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Proprietary: * * @property HTMLPurifier_Config $up * HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Ruby: * * @property HTMLPurifier_Config $up * HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_SafeEmbed: * * @property HTMLPurifier_Config $up * HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_SafeObject: * * @property HTMLPurifier_Config $up * HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_SafeScripting: * * @property HTMLPurifier_Config $up * HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Scripting: * * @property HTMLPurifier_Config $up * HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_StyleAttribute: * * @property HTMLPurifier_Config $up * HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Tables: * * @property HTMLPurifier_Config $up * HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Target: * * @property HTMLPurifier_Config $up * HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_TargetBlank: * * @property HTMLPurifier_Config $up * HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Text: * * @property HTMLPurifier_Config $up * [ /var/www/yii/framework/i18n/CDbMessageSource.php ] CDbMessageSource: * * @property CDbConnection $dbConnection The DB connection used for the message source. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/i18n/CLocale.php ] CLocale: * * @property string $id The locale ID (in canonical form). * @property CNumberFormatter $numberFormatter The number formatter for this locale. * @property CDateFormatter $dateFormatter The date formatter for this locale. * @property string $decimalFormat The decimal format. * @property string $currencyFormat The currency format. * @property string $percentFormat The percent format. * @property string $scientificFormat The scientific format. * @property array $monthNames Month names indexed by month values (1-12). * @property array $weekDayNames The weekday names indexed by weekday values (0-6, 0 means Sunday, 1 Monday, etc.). * @property string $aMName The AM name. * @property string $pMName The PM name. * @property string $dateFormat Date format. * @property string $timeFormat Date format. * @property string $dateTimeFormat Datetime format, i.e., the order of date and time. * @property string $orientation The character orientation, which is either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left). * @property array $pluralRules Plural forms expressions. * @property string $localeDisplayName The localized name for the id specified. Null if data does not exist. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/i18n/CMessageSource.php ] CMessageSource: * * @property string $language The language that the source messages are written in. * Defaults to {@link CApplication::language application language}. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/console/CHelpCommand.php ] CHelpCommand: * * @property string $help The command description. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/console/CConsoleApplication.php ] CConsoleApplication: * * @property string $commandPath The directory that contains the command classes. Defaults to 'protected/commands'. * @property CConsoleCommandRunner $commandRunner The command runner. * @property CConsoleCommand $command The currently active command. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/console/CConsoleCommandRunner.php ] CConsoleCommandRunner: * * @property string $scriptName The entry script name. * @property CConsoleCommand $command The currently active command. * [ /var/www/yii/framework/console/CConsoleCommand.php ] CConsoleCommand: * * @property string $name The command name. * @property CConsoleCommandRunner $commandRunner The command runner instance. * @property string $help The command description. Defaults to 'Usage: php entry-script.php command-name'. * @property array $optionHelp The command option help information. Each array element describes * the help information for a single action. * Comments for 127 classes in 101 files (processed 504 classes in 1548 files)