New Features
This page summarizes the main new features introduced in each Yii release.
Version 1.1.15
Version 1.1.14
- Added CPasswordHelper
- Added CRedisCache
Version 1.1.11
- Added http caching support
- Added console application exit codes
- Added model validation rules blacklisting
- Added git and hg support
Version 1.1.8
Version 1.1.7
- Added RESTful URL support
- Added query caching support
- Now it's possible to pass parameters for relational named scopes
- Added ability to perform Relational query without getting related models
- Added support for HAS_MANY through and HAS_ONE through AR relations
- Added transaction support for the DB migration feature
- Added support for using parameter binding with class-based actions
- Added support for performing seamless client-side data validation using CActiveForm
Version 1.1.6
- Added query builder
- Added database migration
- Best MVC Practices
- Added support for using anonymous parameters and global options in console commands
Version 1.1.5
- Added support for console command actions and parameter binding
- Added support for autoloading namespaced classes
- Added support for theming widget views
Version 1.1.4
Version 1.1.3
Version 1.1.2
Version 1.1.1
Added CActiveForm which simplifies writing form-related code and supports seamless and consistent validation on both client and server sides.
Refactored the code generated by the yiic tool. In particular, the skeleton application is now generated with multiple layouts; the operation menu is reorganized for CRUD pages; added search and filtering feature to the admin page generated by crud command; used CActiveForm to render a form.
Version 1.1.0
Improved the way of declaring safe model attributes. See Securing Attribute Assignments.
Changed the default eager loading algorithm for relational active record queries so that all tables are joined in one single SQL statement.
Changed the default table alias to be the name of active record relations.
Added a whole set of new extensions known as the Zii library.
The alias name for the primary table in an AR query is fixed to be 't'